我的世界恶魔果实指令 我的世界恶魔果实mod怎么开启




我的世界恶魔果实指令 我的世界恶魔果实mod怎么开启



我的世界恶魔果实指令 我的世界恶魔果实mod怎么开启









# Configuration file #配置文件

bounty {#赏金相关

# Allows mobs to spawn randomly near your possition based on the bounty and attack the player


B:"Allow Ambushes"=true#是否允许伏击,可以填写: true/false

# Allows wanted poster packages to drop from the sky; true by default


B:"Allow Wanted Poster Packages"=true #是否允许,可以填写:true/false

# Represented in minecraft ticks, 20 ticks = 1 second, 18000 ticks = 15 min

#在游戏中,20tick = 1秒,18000ticks = 15分钟

I:"Rate at which Wanted Poster Packages will drop"=18000


# Represented in minecraft ticks, 20 ticks = 1 second, 36000 ticks = 30 min

#在游戏中,20tick = 1秒,36000ticks = 30分钟

I:"Rate at which ambushes can spawn"=36000



general {#常规选项

# Allow boss entires to be added in the History tab and players to fight them


B:"Allow Boss Fights"=true#与Boss战斗,可以填写 true/false

B:"Allow Devil Fruits to drop from leaves"=true #允许恶魔果实从树叶掉落,可以填写true/false

# Allows abilities to break or replace blocks, this will make some abilities completly useless; true by default


B:"Allow Griefing in Worlds"=true#允许破坏方块,可以填写true/false

# Allows logia users to avoid physical attacks; true by default


B:"Allow Logia Invulnerability"=true #自然系恶魔果实玩家免疫物理伤害,可以填写true/false

# Allows mobs to reward doriki, bounty or items; true by default


B:"Allow Mob Rewards"=true #允许击败生物获取奖励,可以填写true/false

# Restricts the Devil Fruit spawns to only 1 of each type per world; false by default


B:"Allow Only One Fruit Per World"=false #每个世界只生成一个果实,可以填写 true/false

B:"Allow Quest Progression"=true #允许任务发展,可以填写true/false

B:"Allow Quests"=true #允许进行任务,可以填写 true/false

B:"Allow Ships to Spawn"=true #允许生成海上船只,可以填写 true/false

# Allows Gasu Gasu no Mi, Moku Moku no Mi and Suna Suna no Mi users to fly, this option does not affect flying Zoans which will be able to fly regardless; false by default


B:"Allow Special Flying"=true#是否允许飞行,可以填写 true/false

B:"Allow Wanted Poster Packages"=true#是否允许通缉包,可以填写true/false

# Allows Yami Yami no Mi users to eat an additional fruit; true by default


B:"Allow Yami Users to eat another Devil Fruit"=true#允许暗暗果实玩家再吃一个果实,可以填写true/false

# Will send a chat message to nearby players with the used ability's name; false by default


B:"Anime Screaming"=true#技能聊天信息,可以填写true/false

S:"Data to Keep" < #保留的数据,在“死后保留什么的选项”选择custom时使用,可移除或添加项目,达到自定义保留的效果

Doriki #道力

Bounty #赏金

Belly #贝里

Race #阵营

Faction #派别

Fighting Style #战斗类型

Devil Fruit #恶魔果实


# Responsible for how player unlock Haoshoku Haki;

# none - Nobody can unlock it;

# exp - Based on the total haki experience earned, meaning mastering other haki forms will unlock it;

# random - Only a few chosen ones, randomlly selected, will unlock it;

# exp by default


#none - 没有人可以解锁。

#exp - 给予总的霸气经验,意味着解锁其它霸气将解锁它。

#random - 只有被选中的人可以解锁它。


S:"Haoshoku Haki Unlock Logic"=exp #解锁霸王色霸气的方式,可填写 none , random , exp

# Responsible for how player stats are handled after death;

# none - nothing is kept;

# auto - faction/race/fight style stats are kept everything else is reseted;

# full - everything is kept;

# custom - uses the Data to Keep option to determine what is kept and what is reseted; auto by default


#none - 什么都不保留

#auto - 派别、种族和战斗类型将被保留。

#full - 所有东西都将被保留。

#custom - 使用“保留的数据”,保留其中的每个项目,默认为auto

S:"Keep stats after death"=auto#死后保留什么,可以填写 none , auto , full , custom

I:"Max Dojos to Spawn per World"=3#每个世界生成道场的最大值,填写数值。

# Ensures a minimum of 1 doriki is gained after each kill


B:"Minimum Doriki per Kill"=true #击杀获得道力,可以填写true/false

# Multiplier for the doriki reward when killing a mob


I:"Modifier for Doriki Reward"=5 #道力奖励的倍数,填写数值。

I:"Modifier for Spawning Ships"=5#生成船的密度,不要过大,否则船会重叠在一起,填写数值

# Percentage of belly kept after death;

# 0% by default;

# applied for both 'auto' and 'custom' settings


I:"Percentage of belly kept after death"=0#死后贝里保留的百分比,如23%则填23,填写数值

# Percentage of bounty kept after death;

# 0% by default;

# applied for both 'auto' and 'custom' settings


I:"Percentage of bounty kept after death"=0 #死后赏金保留的百分比,如23%则填23,填写数值

# Percentage of doriki kept after death;

# 33% by default;

# applied for both 'auto' and 'custom' settings


I:"Percentage of doriki kept after death"=33#死后保留道力的百分比,如23%则填23,填写数值

I:"Rate at which Devil Fruits drop from leaves"=5 #树叶掉落恶魔果实的比率,若想加快游戏速度可以把该选项调高一些。如填写10时,平均每破坏10个树叶就会获得1个恶魔果实,如23%则填23,填写数值。

# Allows players to receive extra hearts based on their doriki; true by default


B:"Receive Extra Hearts"=true #获得额外血量,可以填写true/false


ids { #附魔ID相关

I:"Enchantment ID : Dial Flash"=202 #闪光贝附魔ID,填写数值

I:"Enchantment ID : Dial Impact"=200 #冲击贝附魔ID,填写数值

I:"Enchantment ID : Kairoseki"=201 #海楼石附魔ID,填写数值


"mine mine no mi config" { #模组设定

B:"Allow 3D Rendering"=true#允许3D渲染,可以填写true/false

B:"Allow Debug Mode"=false#允许调试模式,可以填写true/false

B:"Allow Griefing"=true #允许破坏,可以填写true/false

B:"Allow Particles"=true #允许粒子特效,可以填写 true/false

B:"Allow Quests"=true#允许任务进行,可以填写true/false

B:"Allow Race/Faction"=true#允许种族/派别,可以填写 true/false

B:"Allow Ships Spawn"=true#允许海上船只生成,可以填写true/false

B:"Allow Sounds"=false#允许播放声音,可以填写true/false

B:"Reset Stats After Death"=true#死后重置状态,可以填写 true/false


permissions { #权限相关

S:"Ability Restrictions" < #技能限制




I:"Permission : /belly"=2

I:"Permission : /bounty"=2

I:"Permission : /doriki"=2

I:"Permission : /extol"=2

I:"Permission : /getwantedposter"=2

I:"Permission : /issueBounty"=2

I:"Permission : /removedf"=2


quests { #任务相关

# Allows quests to reward players with abilities, otherwise all abilities will be unlocked from the beginning; true by default


B:"Allow Quest Progression"=true #允许任务进行,可以填写true/false

# Allows quests to be accepted / completed; true by default


B:"Allow Quests"=true#允许任务,可以填写true/false


structures { #结构体相关

B:"Allow Bases to Spawn"=true #允许海军/海贼基地生成,可以填写 true/false

B:"Allow Camps to Spawn"=true #允许海军/海贼营地生成,可以填写 true/false

B:"Allow Ships to Spawn"=true#允许海上船只生成,可以填写 true/false

B:"Allow Sky Islands to Spawn"=true#允许空岛生成,可以填写true/false

I:"Max Dojos to Spawn per World"=3#世界中生成道场数量的最大值,填写数值

I:"Modifier for Spawning Ships"=100#生成船的修饰符,填写数值


system { #系统

B:"Allow FOV Modifiers"=false#允许FOV修饰符,可以填写true/false

# Allows the game to send data to our server for statistics, no personal information is sent only minor things like which fruit the player ate, what ability was used, which mobs killed etc; true by default


B:"Allow Telemetry"=true#传回信息,可以填写true/false

# Allows the game to show a text message when the installed mod is outdated; true by default


B:"Allow Update Message"=true #允许更新信息,可以填写 true/false



